For reasons, mutual funds are becoming more popular as an investment instrument, the most notable of which is their ability to produce strong returns compared to other traditional investment alternatives. Equity funds, a mutual fund, take the cake to returns. Because they are known to deliver the best returns, equity mutual funds are the most sought-after of all mutual fund categories. Let's look at the sections below to discover everything there is to know about equity mutual funds. Equity Funds sometimes known as "stock funds," are a type of mutual fund that invests in stocks or shares of a firm. These funds, also known as growth funds, seek to increase the value of the investor's investment. Equity funds must invest at least 60% of their assets in company stock, although they may also invest in debt and money market instruments. Equity funds, like any other mutual fund, are managed by a fund manager who distributes assets by the scheme's investment goal. Ei...
Damian Maggio has more than 25 years of experience as a financial services professional and has held high-level management positions including, fund manager, branch manager, supervisory and broker relations at several financial firms over the past 18 years. Damian Maggio has formed FINRA member broker dealers and worked at various sized financial firms where he gained experience in all facets of the financial services industry, from compliance to human resources, to managing customer accounts.