Fund management is very essential as investors, both institutional and retail, depend on them for achieving their investment goals. The fund management companies work round the clock to evaluate the financial position of the investment assets to help the investors’ financial objectives in a timely manner. The financial objectives might be an education fund for children, a retirement fund, etc. Damian Maggio says that fund management is associated with managing the cash flows of a financial institution. The liability of the fund manager is to evaluate the maturity schedules of the deposits received and loans given to maintain the asset-liability framework. As the flow of money is continuous and dynamic, it is of critical significance that asset-liability mismatch can be prevented. It is vital for the financial health of the entire banking industry is dependent, which in turn has an impact on the overall economy of the country. The kinds of Fund Management can be classified by...
Damian Maggio has more than 25 years of experience as a financial services professional and has held high-level management positions including, fund manager, branch manager, supervisory and broker relations at several financial firms over the past 18 years. Damian Maggio has formed FINRA member broker dealers and worked at various sized financial firms where he gained experience in all facets of the financial services industry, from compliance to human resources, to managing customer accounts.